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The Jerónimos Monastery is a celebration of Portuguese territorial expansion and is an expression of a unique national style, the "Manueline" style. It is a monument that reflects Portuguese identity and houses the tombs of men who contributed towards making Portugal great: the explorer Vasco da Gama, King Sebastian and the epic poet Luís de Camões.

Located in the grandiose Praça do Império, in the Belém area, the monument has High Gothic and Renaissance architectural elements and decoration. It also incorporates religious, nature and nautical motifs.

In the aisles of the old monastery is the Maritime Museum and Museum of Archaeology. The monastery church, the Church of Santa Maria de Belém, is a magnificent building with three naves held up by elegant pillars which form a pointed arched dome. The light, which is filtered in through the stained glass windows, casting shafts, is extraordinary.

The excellence of the architecture is evident, and has been recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Read this article to find out about other churches that are worth a visit in Lisbon.