
In order to facilitate your search, we have several suggestions available in the following category(s):


The Palheiro gardens are one of the most remarkable gardens in Madeira. In addition to the panoramic views they offer, the Palheiro gardens, with their extensive lawns and lakes, boast some of the world's rarest and most valuable exotic plants.

Closer to the sea, in Funchal, we recommend visits to the Santa Catarina Park, the Quinta Vigia gardens, the Quinta das Cruzes Museum gardens and Funchal Municipal Garden.

Madeira Botanical Garden, at intermediate altitude, is recommended as one of the most remarkable in this part of the world.

At higher altitudes the visitor should head to Monte, where there are free public gardens and the Monte Palace Tropical Garden. In addition to the oriental gardens, there is an area dedicated to the Laurissilva Forest and a sculpture museum, among other attractions.

All PortoBay group hotels on the island have their own classified gardens. Worth special attention are the gardens at the resort Vila Porto Mare Resort where there are over 500 unique and classified specimens. Make the most of your stay at Vila Porto Mare by discovering a new corner with aromatic and medicinal herbs, as well as the “Orchid Corner”, an area dedicated to the most varied species of these marvellous flowers.

PortoBay Prestige Club members have special entry conditions to several gardens in Madeira.